Over the past decade salaries, prize money and endorsement income has exploded in professional sports. Average players now make the salaries of superstars a decade-ago. And the star players are setting new records every season in salary negotiations. A look at the salary histories of the top four spectator sports in the U.S in recent years tells the story.

Increase in Average Pro Salaries By League

Base Year Sport % Increase '99
1994 NBA 123%
1994 MLB 33%
1994 NHL 114%
1994 NFL 100%

Source: Paula Kagan Associates, 1999

Average Pro Players Aren't Average Earners Anymore

Profession Average Salaries
Basketball $2,800,000
Baseball 1,400,000
Top Officers/top 500 US Companies 1,300,000
Hockey 1,200,000
Football 1,000,000
PGA 800,000
Physicians 1,300,000

Source: USA Today, 1999, BusinessWeek 4/19/99,
NYTimes 1/12/99. *Top 100 players

Even the least compensated athletes today make salaries that exceed the average physicians annual income. In the top team sports in the U.S. the lowest compensated players earn at least $150,000 per year.

League Salary Minimum
NFL 1st Year $175,000
NFL 2nd Year $250,000
NFL 3rd Year $325,000
NBA $261,360
MLB $200,000
NHL $150,000

While an average career in the NFL is still relatively brief - 4 years - other sports have grown in popularity and can now boast long tenures that have significantly increased the lifetime earning power of their players.

Sport Expected Career Years
PGA 35
NASCAR/Auto Racing 20

Source: SportsBusiness Journal Research Dept. 1999

Expected Lifetime Earnings of Average PRO Players Signing In 1999

Leauge Expected Lifetime
Winnings (millions)
MLB 16.4
NBA 14.3
NHL 13.9
NFL 5.2

Source: SportsBusiness Journal Research Dept. 1999

Product endorsements have become a routine part of many Pro players agreements. In fact the top 25 Pro endorsers garnered more than $200 million in endorsement contracts or over a quarter of the total endorsement dollars in 1998.

Source: SportsBusiness Journal Research Dept. 1999

Yes, sports and entertainment have much in common. Both are characterized by youth, wealth and the most public of lives. But, when it comes to size of the luxury market, therešs no comparison. Compensation for all 5,000 working members of the Screen Actors Guild, (SAG) in 1998 was $ 225 million or $45,000 per SAG member. That represents only 6% of the $4 billion in compensation earned by athletes in the top four U.S sports alone (football, basketball, hockey and baseball).

Source: SAG 1998

Within America's Elite Class of Wealthy Households

Percentage U.S. Hlds w/Net Worth $2.5 million 1%
Number with $2.5 million 1 million
Percentage of the Elite Hlds Under 40 70% or 70,000
Average Age of Pro Athletes 28
Number of Active Athletes In All Sports Who Qualify for Pro 11,580
Number Who Qualify By Playing In The Last 5 Years 15,000
TOTAL 26,580
Athletes Making $1 million+ in 4 Major Sports in 1999 1,421
Readers with projected lifetime earnings more than $ 5 million * 3,250
More than $ 2.5 million 5,160
More than $ 1 million 9,906

Sources: SportsBusiness Journal Research Department, 1999 Management Resource Group, 1998

* Estimates based on projections of PRO athletes earnings lifetime based on compensation levels and average career spans using a base year of 1995.